Sunday, November 15, 2009

What do you do with old Greeting cards?

My husband insists on saving greeting cards from the past 15 years. I live in a condo and don't have the space for every valentine, birthday, etc, etc., I receive. He thinks they are memories - I think it's trash. What do you think?

What do you do with old Greeting cards?
I throw lots of mine out, but I would never have the audacity to tell someone else he or she should throw away something he or she values. If he does not want it, he will throw it out. If you want to be crafty, you can cover a box that holds your Christmas decorations with cut-outs from the Christmas cards. You or your husband can cut out some of the favorite pictures, put glitter or fake snow on the pictures, laminate, or shellac the pictures and hang those on the tree. Or decopauge cut-outs from the cards onto ornaments. Maybe make some magnets from the cut-out cards. That way, you will save some space but still have the memory of the card. And you will be displaying your memories rather than piling them in a box where you never look at them. I had a teacher who brought the class all of her old cards and she had us cut out the pictures, and arrange the pictures on wood plaques for the walls. Some of the arrangements looked surprisingly nice.
Reply:I have kept most of mine. But now we are moving to a house from our apartment, and I kind of want to get rid of them. I don't want to take a lot of stuff to our new home, to collect dust. But I have a hard time getting rid of things. I am not sure what to do.
Reply:I take the tear them in half, and mail the tops of the cards to St. Jude Childrens Ranch. I have done this for years, someone once told me that the children create with them.
Reply:Not trash at all.

I keep them in a box. Years worth of birthday and Christmas cards.

Why throw them away?
Reply:My boyfriend is like you. I am like your husband. I have boxes of cards under my bed, years worth of cards and correspondence.

But I have compromised and started throwing away cards that don';t have a personal message. I have tons of cards that say "merry christmas! love, Name" and I've started throwing them away somewhat reluctantly.

In fact, unless people have something to substantial to say in a card, I wish they'd save the postage and just send an email. I like getting mail but not for the sake of having something to open. I want to read an update or a message of some sort.

I like the idea of sending the old cards to senior centers. I am sure that schools or craft leagues would welcome the extra supplies as well.

Edited to add:

Lots of great ideas here. Thanks!
Reply:I say use the 3 R's rule: reduce, re-use or recycle. If you don't want them anymore, throw them out. Or you could see if a local shelter or daycare center would want them for art projects.
Reply:Before you toss them, check with the local senior citizens centers. I have reletives who live in retirement communities who recycle old greeting cards into new ones as art projects.
Reply:I always throw away Christmas and Birthday Cards, but keep special ones, like all the cards we got when my husband and I were married or the cards we received when my daughter was born. See if you can comprimise and have him keep only the very special ones. Or you could make a scrap book out them , so that they are neatly packed in a book and won't take up as much space. And don't give him anymore cards for his birthday or any other occasions, to keep the card clutter down.
Reply:i toss em
Reply:Depends on how much information is written inside these greeting cards. If the messages are basically the usual "Hi love, hope you have a Merry Christmas, love xx", then I´d agree with you and throw them out. If, however, there are longer messages or mini-"letters" inside, I could understand your husband´s nostalgic attachment. Perhaps you could reach a compromise and go through them together, filtering out those that say very little, and keeping those of more importance. Personally, I put all greeting cards in the trash can after the event, but, for example, do keep holiday postcards that family/friends send me, as the messages etc. carry information that will bring back memories in years to come.
Reply:I don't think cards are trash. Well, not if there's something written in there aside from the cheesy Hallmark message. So sort it out, make an agreement with your husband. If there's something nice written in there, keep it, if there's nothing important, chuck it- Compromise.
Reply:keep it or throw it
Reply:You can make scrape books of all the different ones you have..Make one with all Valentine,one with the Birthdays ect...
Reply:throw them out--your husband is a packrat.( like many people)

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