Saturday, November 19, 2011

What weight card stock should I use for greeting cards if I want them to be sturdy?

I guess what I'd like to know is, what weight is the card stock used in Hallmark or American Greeting cards? I've purchased some packages labeled card stock and they are barely heavier than 24 pound typing paper. I'd like something heavier. Thanks for your help!

What weight card stock should I use for greeting cards if I want them to be sturdy?
Hallmark sells a package of blank greeting cards that's 85 lbs. You can buy it at Hallmark or from various stores online.

I've bookmarked this site...

Best wishes
Reply:Not sure of the weight but you'll find that various places have various kinds of cardstock. Go to a craft store and you'll likely find a big variety, thin to thick. Go to a dollar store and it's crap. Same with some at Wal Mart.

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