Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I get my greeting cards sold in stores?

I sell greeting cards at local craft shows and get tons of positive comments. I would like to try pitching them to small shoppes so they could be sold there but how do I do this? I don't want to look desperate by walking in and trying to convince the owner to sell my stuff there. I've read about trade shows but they are pretty expensive (fees, travel expenses, etc). and I don't have much start-up cost. Any advice??

How can I get my greeting cards sold in stores?
find someone with a craft shop, but you'd probably have to give them a percentage or try to sell it to a corporation like Hallmark or Cracker Barrel to sell in their stores..
Reply:You have two options. You can submit your offerings to the big guys, for a royalty. No real start up cost, nice income.

To sell in stores is tough. It's not even about how difficult it is to get the first card in the store. But what's expected is you be at the store each week, and stock the shelves. It's route sales.

There is a Hallmark rep that goes to every Target store each week and sorts the cards, stocks new ones, and makes sure it's all in order.

Also, you must be able to produce the cards in the quantity that they sell at each location. While you may be happy that they sell out each week, the store is not happy with customers who can't get what they want, and have empty shelf space.

shoes stock

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